Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive

420 COLLECTIVE COMMENTARY ABOUT THE NEW PACKAGE TRAVEL DIRECTIVE The enforcement of this directive has allowed the companies to establish themselves in any country of the European Union, outside the one in which they develop their main activity and/or where they have their registered office, with no need to carry out all the administrative formalities requested in the State of destination. With the aim of allowing a company located in a Member State to carry out its business activity in any other Member State, it was necessary to articulate certain mechanisms on a basis of mutual recognition. This system allows the compliance of any company with the obligations laid down by any State’s internal regulations to be recognized in any other Member State as a result of the transposition of the Directive. In particular, among the measures to be adopted to fulfil the compliance recognition with the requirements to carry out the business activity in other Member States, the modification of the national regulations of every Member State was not the only necessary element, as it also required the creation of one- -stop shops and the guarantee of administrative cooperation. The aim of such measures is to offer information and assistance in the development of the different administrative proceedings that the companies need to undertake to establish themselves in a Member State, while also guaranteeing that all these formalities can be performed by electronic means. In tandemwith the previous regulation, Member States committed themselves to review and simplify all the authorization proceedings with regards to the compliance with the administrative formalities requested to initiate a certain business. Likewise, this commitment includes the need to abrogate those requirements that might become discriminatory, based on the nationality, the residence or the place of establishment of the services provider. Evidence cannot be requested to support whether there is a potential demand for the services provided by the company in the market of destination. Bolkestein” , in Mercado Europeo y reformas administrativas: la transposición de la Directiva de servicios en España, (Coord. R. Rivero Ortega), Madrid, Thomson Reuters, pp. 219-244. GONZÁLEZ CABRERA, I., (2010), “La liberalización de los servicios en el mercado interior y su incidencia en la actividad de las agencias de viajes”, Aranzadi Civil: Revista Doctrinal , no. 4, pp. 49-82. MELGOSA ARCOS, F.J., (2013), “La regulación del turismo en España. El nuevo marco jurídico tras la Directiva de servicios de mercado interior”, in Turismo de interior: planificación, comercialización y experiencias , (Coord. F.J. Melgosa Arcos), Madrid, Pirámide, pp. 73-96. MELGOSA ARCOS, F.J., (2011), “El nuevo marco jurídico del turismo en Castilla y León: Directiva de servicios y Ley 14/2010, de 9 de diciembre”, in El nuevo derecho administrativo: libro homenaje al prof. Dr. Enrique Rivero Ysern , (Coord, A. Sánchez Blanco, M. A., Domínguez-Berrueta de Juan and J.L. Rivero Ysern), Salamanca, Ratio Legis Librería Jurídica, pp. 767-785. PÉREZ FERNÁNDEZ, F.J., (2013), “Directiva de servicios y turismo: el nuevo régimen de acceso y prestación de servicios turísticos y su contribución al incremento de la calidad turística”, Revista de Derecho de la Unión Europea , no. 24, pp. 257-318. VELASCO CABALLERO, F. Y SIMOU, S., (2009), “Cooperación interadministrativa en la Directiva de servicios”, Revista de Estudios Locales. Cunal , no. 122, pp. 166-177.