Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive
ARTICLE 18 | PATRICIA BENAVIDES VELASCO 419 In order to fully guarantee a certain level of protection, therefore complying with the disclosure obligations assumed by the Member States and companies, the Directive lays down that any listing with this scope will be of public access. To facilitate its consultation, it is expressly foreseen that the access to these documents will be available online. If the administrative authority of a Member State has doubts about the protection against insolvency of an organiser, it will have to request a clarification to the Member State in which the organiser has its registered office. The duty of the Member State that has been requested within this scope is to respond to any request of clarification as soon as possible, according to the urgency and the complexity of the case. Nevertheless, in order to avoid a delay of this obligation to respond, the European rule imposes the duty to perform a first reply within a maximum time of fifteen working days after receipt of the request. II. THE REMOVAL OF OBSTACLES IN THE MARKET OF SERVICES AND THE NEED FOR COOPERATION BETWEEN THE MEMBER STATES The services Directive 2006/123/EC 5 was approved with the aim to remove the existing obstacles that prevented the achievement of an internal market in the European Union. To do that, it considered different mechanisms, including the simplification of administrative proceedings for the providers of services, the reinforcement of the consumers’ rights, as well as the rights of the companies acquiring services and the fostering of cooperation between the European Union member States 6 . 5 Directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on services in the internal market, OJEU, L 376, 2712.2006. 6 On this issue, see MELGOSA ARCOS, F.J., “Directiva de Servicios y Turismo: aproximación a la incidencia de la Directiva de Servicios en el marco jurídico del turismo español, Noticias de la Unión Europea , no. 317, 2011, pp. 47-72. Also, ARCARONS I SIMÓN, R., (2012), “El impacto de la Directiva de servicios en el turismo” in El impacto de la Directiva servicios en las administraciones públicas: aspectos generales y sectoriales , (Coord. V. Aguado i Cudolà and B. Noguera de la Muela), Barcelona, Atelier, pp. 373-393. BAUZA MARTORELL, F. (2011), “Incidencia de la Directiva de Servicios en la legislación turística: estudio autonómico comparado”, in Turismo y desarrollo económico. IV Jornadas de Investigación en Turismo , (Coord. J.L. Jiménez-Caballero and P. de Fuentes Ruiz), Sevilla, edición Digital@tres, pp. 339-355. GONZÁLEZ BUSTOS, M.ª. Á., (2009), “La cooperación administrativa como mecanismo de funcionamiento del mercado interior de servicios a la luz de la Directiva
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