Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive

ARTICLE 17 | PATRICIA BENAVIDES VELASCO 397 2. Effectiveness and approach of the protection against travel packages organisers’ insolvency Article 17 of the Directive on travel packages and linked travel arrangements regulates the duty of member States to ensure that the organisers of travel packages situated in their State provide a security to cover the reimbursement of all payments made by the traveller 38 . As noted before, this is not a new duty in the field of travels, as it was already considered by the previous European regulation. However, it is important to 38 Some references to the content of this provision from the different legal systems can be consulted under: ALMEIDA VIDAL, J. (2017), “The responsibility of tour operators and travel agencies in the New Package Travel Directive: innovation or continuity?”, in The New Package Travel Directive , (Eds. V. Franceschelli. F. Morandi and C. Torres), Lisbon, Portugal, ESHTE/INATEL/ALENTEJO, pp. 365 ff.; AUGRUS, V., (2018), “The implementation of the new PTD in France: a balanced deal between all actors?”, in Sustainable Tourism Law , (Eds. V. Franceschelli. F. Morandi and C. Torres), Lisbon, Portugal, ESTHE/INATEL, pp. 565 ff.; BENITEZ, D., (2017) “La Directiva fuera de la Unión Europea Tribulations of a European in China (or anyvhere else)”, in The New Package Travel Directive , (Eds. V. Franceschelli. F. Morandi and C. Torres), Lisbon, Portugal, ESHTE/INATEL, pp. 455 ff.; FACAL, J., “Relevant aspects of international liability for tourism service providers”, in The New Package Travel Directive , (Eds. V. Franceschelli. F. Morandi and C. Torres), Lisbon, Portugal, ESHTE/INATEL, pp. 213 ff.; FERRAZ, J.A. (2017), “Comparison between Travel Package Contract in Directive 2015/2032 and in Brazil”, in The New Package Travel Directive , (Eds. V. Franceschelli. F. Morandi and C. Torres), Lisbon, Portugal, ESHTE/ INATEL, pp. 287 ff.; FRANCESCHELLI, V. (2017), “Causa and Consideration in Tourism Contracts in the frame of the UE 2015/2302 Directive”, in The New Package Travel Directive , (Eds. V. Franceschelli. F. Morandi and C. Torres), Lisbon, Portugal, ESHTE/INATEL, pp. 23 ff.; GONZÁLEZ CABRERA, I. (2018), “The regulation of the dynamic package in the Directive (EU) 2015/2302 a missed opportunity for the European Legislator?”, in Sustainable Tourism Law , (Eds. V. Franceschelli. F. Morandi and C. Torres), Lisbon, Portugal, ESTHE/INATEL, pp. 585 ff.; MACHADO, V., ALMEIDA, J. and RIVEIRO, A. (2017). “A Diretiva (UE) 2015/2302 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho na integração em rede da União Europeia no setor do turismo”, Revista Internacional de Derecho del Turismo. RIDETUR , 1, 1, pp. 19 ff.; MARCELO, O. (2017), “The relevance of the European Directive on Package Travel for a better understanding of the activities travel agencies in Brazil”, in The New Package Travel Directive , (Eds. V. Franceschelli. F. Morandi and C. Torres), Lisbon, Portugal, ESHTE/INATEL, pp. 293 ff.; MASON, S., (2017), “The future of financial protection in UK and EU”, in The New Package Travel Directive , (Eds. V. Franceschelli. F. Morandi and C. Torres), Lisbon, Portugal, ESHTE/INATEL, pp. 189 ff.; MASSENO, M. D., (2017), “On the relevance of Big Data for the formation of contracts regarding package tours or linkend travel arrangements , according to the New Package Travel Directive”, in The New Package Travel Directive , (Eds. V. Franceschelli. F. Morandi and C. Torres), Lisbon, Portugal, ESHTE/INATEL, pp. 275 ff.; McDONALD, M., (2017), “Linked travel arrangements and their protection under the new Package Travel Directive”, in The New Package Travel Directive , (Eds. V. Franceschelli. F. Morandi and C. Torres), Lisbon, Portugal, ESHTE/INATEL, pp. 39 ff.; MELGOSA ARCOS, F.J, (2017), “The protection of tourists in Directive 2015/2302/ (EU) of 25 November on package travel and linked travel arrangements·, in The New Package Travel Directive , (Eds. V. Franceschelli. F. Morandi and C. Torres), Lisbon, Portugal, ESHTE/INATEL, pp. 39 ff.; ROSSONI, G., (2017), “New Package Travel Directive (2015/2302/EU): “Specific obligations of the relailer where the organiser is established outside the European Economic Area”, in The New Package Travel Directive , (Eds. V. Franceschelli. F. Morandi and C. Torres), Lisbon, Portugal, ESHTE/INATEL, pp. 243 ff.; TANTI DOUGALL, J. (2017), “The Package Travel Insolvency Fund Regulations –the Maltese Perspective”, in The New Package Travel Directive , (Eds. V. Franceschelli. F. Morandi and C. Torres), Lisboa, Portugal, ESHTE/INATEL, pp. 253 ff.; TORRES, C. (2018), “Sustainability: the path from Stockholm to European Charter for Sustainable and Responsible Tourism”, in Sustainable Tourism Law , (Eds. V. Franceschelli. F. Morandi and C. Torres), Lisbon, Portugal, ESTHE/INATEL, pp. 615 ff. and TORRES, C. (2017), “A new paradigm in the protection of travelers in the digital age”, in The New Package Travel Directive , (Eds. V. Franceschelli. F. Morandi and C. Torres), Lisbon, Portugal, ESHTE/INATEL, pp. 307 ff.