Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive
CONTENTS 35 6. Conformity/Force majeure; 6.1. Non-conformity and compensation; 6.2. Force majeure; 7. Guarantee fund(s); 8. Traveller’s right to terminate the agreement; 9. Conclusion. The implementation of Directive 2015/2302 on package travel and linked travel arrangements in Poland Poland, Piotr Cybula 1069 I. Introduction; II. The process of implementation of Directive 90/314 into Polish law; III. Act on package travel and linked travel arrangements as a legal act implementing Directive 2015/2302 into Polish law; IV. Conclusion. The Transposition of the New Package Travel Directive in Portugal Portugal, Carlos Torres 1087 1. General considerations regarding the deadline and methodology of the process of transposing the New Package Travel Directive in Portugal: The secrecy of the legislative process; 2. The Portuguese legislator’s questionable option of holding the retailers responsible for the performance of the package; 3. The very restrictive scope of the transposition: The establishment of the anachronistic exclusivity; 4. Parliamentary consideration of executive laws; 5. Main travel services: Rental of cars or other motor vehicles appearing on the same level as passenger transport or accommodation services – Increase the concept of significant proportion of the travel; 6. Intermediary: Yet another subterfuge to evade the application of the European Law; 7. Thomas Cook’s bankruptcy as a test of the New Directive: The different levels of consumer protection depending on the Member States; 8. The consequences of the bankruptcy of just one medium or large operator on the Portuguese market;
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