Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive

CONTENTS 33 The Implementation of Directive 2015/2302 in Latvia Latvia, Alona Rogale-Homika and Marina Gunare 961 1. Introduction; 2. The course of the legislative process related to the implementation of Directive 2015/2302 in Latvia; 3. Distinctive features of the implementation of Directive 2015/2302 in Latvia; 3.1. Amount of security, deposit and payment procedure; 3.2. The involvement of additional organisations; 4. Assessment of the correctness of implementation; 5. Conclusion; Bibliography. Legal Basis for the Tourism in Lithuania Lithuania, Jolanta Vilkevi č iūt ė 969 1) Introduction; 2) Management and legal regulation sector in Lithuania; 3) Implementation of the provisions of the Directive 2015/2302; 4) Conclusions; References. Implementation of the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Directive: Lithuanian experience Lithuania, Danguolė Bublienė and Ieva Navickaitė-Sakalauskienė 979 Introduction; 1. The transposition technique of the provisions of the Travel Directive into Lithuanian Law; 2. Issues related to the transposition of the provisions concerning ratione personae of the Travel Directive (subjective scope of application); 3. Issues related to the transposition of the provisions concerning rationae materia of the Travel Directive (the material scope of application); 4. Issues related to the transposition of the provisions of the Travel Directive concerning the contractual aspects; 4.1. The duty of disclosure; 4.2. Content of the package travel contract; 4.3. Right to alter contract terms, right of withdrawal and termination of the contract;