Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive

CONTENTS 19 III. Information that the traveller must be offered; IV. Consequences of the breach of the regulations on protection in cases of insolvency and to provide information to the travelers; V. Bibliography. CHAPTER VII GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 20, Specific obligations of the retailer where the organiser is established outside the European Economic Area Gianluca Rossoni 447 1. The new specific obligation of the retailer where the organiser is established outside the European Economic Area; 2. Practical issues on how to reach the burden of proof in order to protect the retailer. Article 21, Liability for booking errors Sarah Prager 457 1. Liability of traders for booking errors under the Package Travel, Package Holidays and Package Tours Directive 1990; 2. The rationale for the modifications made by virtue of the provisions of the Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Directive 2015; 3. The effect of Article 21 of the new Directive: the duty; 4. The effect of Article 21 of the new Directive: the limitation of the duty. Article 22, Right of Redress David Grant 471 1. Introduction; 2. Contractual protection; 3. Protection under Art. 22; 4. An alternative road to redress; 5. Conclusion.