Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive

INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON TRAVEL CONTRACTS (CCV) 1217 Article 11 1. The travel organizer may not increase the inclusive price, except as a consequence of changes in rates of exchange or in the tariffs of carriers, and provided that this possibility has been anticipated in the travel document. 2. If the increase in the inclusive price exceeds ten per cent, the traveller may cancel the contract without compensation or reimbursement. In that event, the traveller shall be entitled to a refund of all sums paid by him to the travel organizer. Article 12 The travel organizer shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of his employees and agents when acting in the course of their employment or within the scope of their authority, as if such acts and omissions were his own. Article 13 1. The travel organizer shall be liable for any loss or damage caused to the traveller as a result of non-performance, in whole or in part, of his obligations to organize as resulting from the contract or this Convention, unless he proves that he acted as a diligent travel organizer. 2. Without prejudice to the questions as to which persons have the right to institute proceedings and what are their respective rights, compensation payable under paragraph 1 shall be limited for each traveller to: – 50.000 francs for personal injury, – 2.000 francs for damage to property, – 5.000 francs for any other damage. However a Contracting State may set a higher limit for contracts concluded through a place of business located in its territory. Article 14 Where the travel organizer himself provides transportation, accommodation or other services connected with the performance of the journey or sojourn, he shall be liable for any loss or damage caused to the traveller in accordance with the rules governing such services.