Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive

Appendix 1 International Convention on Travel Contracts (CCV) (Brussels, April 23, 1970) The States Parties to this Convention, Noting the development of tourism and its economical and social role, Recognizing the need to establish uniform provisions relating to travel contracts, Have agreed as follows: CHAPTER I SCOPE OF APPLICATION Article 1 For the purpose of this Convention: 1. “Travel Contract” means either an organized travel contract or an intermediary travel contract. 2. “Organized Travel Contract” means any contract whereby a person undertakes in his own name to provide for another, for an inclusive price, a combination of services comprising transportation, accommodation separate from the transportation or any other service relating thereto. 3. “Intermediary Travel Contract” means any contract whereby a person undertakes to provide for another, for a price, either an organized travel contract or one or more separate services rendering possible a journey or sojourn. “Interline” or other similar operations between carriers shall not be considered as intermediary travel contracts. 4. “Price” means any remuneration in cash, in kind or in the form of direct or indirect benefits of any kind whatsoever.