Collective Commentary about the New Package Travel Directive

POLAND | PIOTR CYBULA 1075 a) Regulation of the Minister of Sport and Tourism from 1 March 2018 on the Central Register of Travel Organisers and Traders Facilitating Linked Travel Arrangements 24 ; b) Regulation of the Minister of Sport and Tourism from 28 March 2018 on the minimum functionality of the teleinformatics system supporting the Central Register of Travel Organisers and Traders Facilitating Linked Travel Arrangements 25 ; c) Regulation of the Minister of Sport and Tourism from 29 May 2018 on the model declaration submitted by travel organisers and traders facilitating linked travel arrangements to the Insurance Guarantee Fund; d) Regulation of the Minister of Sport and Tourism from 11 May 2018 on quarterly information on the conditions and use of the resources of the Tourist Guarantee Fund submitted by the Insurance Guarantee Fund 26 ; e) Regulation of theMinister of Development and Finance from 27 December 2017 on the minimum amount of the sum insured for travellers related to the activity performed by travel organisers and traders facilitating linked travel arrangements 27 ; f ) Regulation of theMinister of Development and Finance from27 December 2017 on the minimum amount of bank and insurance guarantee required in connection with the activity performed by travel organisers and traders facilitating linked travel arrangements 28 ; g) Regulation of the Minister of Sport and Tourism from 27 December 2017 on model contracts for tourist trust accounts, bank guarantee forms, insurance guarantees and insurance contracts for travellers 29 ; h) Regulation of the Minister of Sport and Tourism from 27 December 2017 on determining the amount of the contribution to the Tourist Guarantee Fund 30 . (3) The Act on package travel and linked travel arrangements has also introduced significant amendments to the Act on tourist services, which has been given a new title: “On hotel services and on the services of tour leaders and tourist 24 Dz.U. item 518. 25 Dz.U. item 721. 26 Dz.U. item 1174. 27 Dz.U. item 2508. 28 Dz.U. item 2507. 29 Dz.U. item 2497. 30 Dz.U. item 2465.